Friday, October 12, 2012

An adventure cut short...

I am writing this post to let everyone know that my homesteading adventure has been cut extremely short. Due to the most unfortunate of circumstances, I have relocated back to the city and into the lovely apartment community I once called home. So, as of now, Chickens and Lace shall be no more. As the reason, and therefore, the literary fuel for said blog has expired. However, I do plan on continuing my blogging experience over at my new blog, which will focus almost entirely on Lolita fashion and lifestyle.
So if you are reading this and you care to see what I'm up to next, stop on by my new blog and say hello!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Eagle Has Landed!

Well, it's official... we have moved into the new place in all its nature-y glory.

What an adventure it has been already. The move was exiciting to say the least, and now we have to focus on settling in. There had been some drama over the paperwork and the house was not cleaned and the lawn has not been cut, which were both supposed to be done before we moved in. So we have to work around it, but no biggie. Here's some more shots of the property.

And a few of the back of the property...

We moved in Thursday/Friday and I spent the weekend cleaning as much as I could before unpacking. It was not too bad but I did find a few spots that were.... yucky to say the least.

After all the cleaning I began unpacking and organizing. Slowly the animals came out of hiding and sniffed around in their new place.

 Now it's finally starting to feel like home.

That's all I have for you today, but never fear! There will be more to come as I get this place together and we make this little patch of land all our own! <3
Untill then... TTFN

~~Lolianne Rivercat

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Few Thoughts...

So, I've been doing a lot of research in the homesteading department, trying to prepare myself for the journey ahead. One topic of particular interest is Chickens. I have always had a fond affection for chickens, in all their quirky glory. These little fluffy bundles of energy fascinate me. Always on the hunt for the next tasty morsel, scratching about in the dust without a care in the world. I have this vision of myself in the garden collecting vegetables, early morning sunlight shimmering on the dew, with a little flock of hens following behind me, pecking as we go.  The world of chickens is one I look forward to venturing into.

The decision to keep chickens on our little farm is an easy one to make. We have the space and the means, so the project is a go. But there are still a few decisions to be made...

1. Do we want a Rooster?
  Well, we are really only interested in the eggs for food and the manure for compost, so a rooster is not necessary. (Hens lay eggs regardless of a rooster being around) Also, we are not much of meat eaters. We will both eat seafood, he eats chicken, and neither of us eat red meat or pork. So there is not much need for breeding the hens. I think, for right now, having just girls is best for our little flock.

2. Which chicks to choose?
   There are so many different varieties of bird out there to choose from. Recently, backyard chicken keeping has seen a revival, and with the growing interest in breeds, more have become available. The selection of looks for birds in your flock is large. Many of the exotic breeds are rather interesting. For example, there is the fuzzy, fluffy, Silkie:

With its fur-like plumage and dark skin (a silkies skin is black) this bird gives a unique look to any backyard flock. Then there are the feather-footed bantam varieties:

Personally I prefer the standard featherless-footed variety. The bantams are a smaller stock, and as this is Florida, I want to have smaller size birds that are less likely to overheat.

With so many options, where do I start?

I know I want good layers, with consistent production of decent sized eggs. Also, I know I want a docile bird that is easy going and friendly. I want to be able to handle my birds like pets. Just as a side note, I thought an assortment of breeds would be interesting as well, visually as well as for egg variety.

Let's look at some options:

The Sussex is a great all around bird. Prolific layers, with a hen averaging between 200-220 eggs a year. Docile and calm, these birds are not flighty, so high fencing is not required.

Then there is the Orpington, with her heavy body and short legs, this bird does not require much in the way of fencing. Friendly and kind this bird is often seen following its owners around, or even taking lead from the family dog.

Wyandottes are one of the most beautiful chickens around. They come in many different colors and are well known for their sturdiness. They are dependable egg layers, with large dark brown eggs.

One of my absolute favorites! The Easter Egger! This chicken is so cool. They come in a variety of plumage colors and so do their eggs. They can lay eggs anywhere from blue, to green, brown, cream, white, and sometimes even pink. Their smaller body size makes them a better choice for the Florida heat and they are rather friendly. Check out these neat eggs:

So, with all of these choices to consider, I think I need to do some more reading. I may get a few of each to give them a try, or I might choose a breed that I didn't share with you today. Who knows?

The next great debate is the coop. Once we get out on the land and start working on some of the existing structures, we may be able to convert one into a nice coop. I would like to keep the girls up near the house next to the garden if possible.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any tips or suggestions, pleases leave them below.

~~Lolianne Rivercat

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Greetings and Salutations!

Greetings and Salutations!

This is my first blog. I am starting it to share my adventures with the world, and maybe, along the way I may inspire and encourage anyone out there who may be thinking of starting their own adventures.

I'm currently in a state of chaos in my life, but all is well. Without destruction there is no room for rebirth.

So, here's the scoop...

Six months ago I was the up-and-coming Assistant General Manager of a very high-end tea emporium, I had just moved into a new two-bedroom apartment with my partner, Corey, and we bought a new(er) car.
Then, near the end of January, my General Manager was given a promotion, and I was offered the position as the Interim General Manager of said high-end tea emporium. I accepted, was flown to Atlanta for a sales managers training program, and returned to run the store.
Not long after, I began to feel an emptiness, a void within myself that I wasn't living up to my potential.
But wait.... I was the leader of a dynamic sales team in a high end retail environment... what was not to be proud of? I pondered my life choice and the path I was on, and deep down I knew I was not following my heart. Don't get me wrong, I love tea... and making good money, but something was just not right.

The Universe would soon remedy the situation....

I decided I would feel more fulfilled if I completed my degree program. I took a break after the Spring 2011 semester to focus on my career, and had not returned. With only a few classes standing between me and my degree I knew I had to continue. However, high-end tea emporium did not like the idea of its newest member of upper management returning to school for an unrelated degree. After much consideration I decided that school was a priority and that was that.

During this time Corey had been doing battle with the groundskeepers of our apartment complex. One of the main reasons for moving from our one bedroom at the back of the property to the two bedroom at the front was to get more direct sun for growing. Corey and I wanted to grow our own veggies and I had spoken to the property manager about it. She agreed, as long as they were in pots and mobile. So we planted a considerable amount of veggies, including tomatoes, green peppers, hot peppers, cucumbers, etc. The problem seemed to be that when the sun was shining in the grass and we moved our pots accordingly, the groundskeepers thought they were an eyesore. So back to the patio they would go.
This back and forth exchange became tiresome after a few weeks, and in his frustration Corey began to look for inexpensive property for sale in the area.

About the first week of May, Corey found a property for sale listed at an unbelievable price. We had been discussing the idea of buying land with his father, and they went to see the parcel. It was 5 acres, with a three bedroom, two bath mobile home on it and a connection site for another. There were two wells, cleared farmland, and plenty of trees for cover. Beautiful.

Well... to make a long story longer, we decided to go for it. We made an offer and the seller accepted. And the countdown has begun. We should be able to start moving in around the second week of July.

How exciting! I have always felt a deep connection with nature and the idea that I can grow my own food and generally provide for my family from the land itself is such a dream for me. I love the old ways. Everything from crafting to gardening, even in my eccentric fashion, I keep tradition alive.

That is why I have named this blog "Chickens and Lace". In honor of my new homesteading adventure, sure to include plenty of chickens, and my affinity for Lolita fashion full of classical sensibilities!

Wish me luck!

~~Lolianne Rivercat