Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Eagle Has Landed!

Well, it's official... we have moved into the new place in all its nature-y glory.

What an adventure it has been already. The move was exiciting to say the least, and now we have to focus on settling in. There had been some drama over the paperwork and the house was not cleaned and the lawn has not been cut, which were both supposed to be done before we moved in. So we have to work around it, but no biggie. Here's some more shots of the property.

And a few of the back of the property...

We moved in Thursday/Friday and I spent the weekend cleaning as much as I could before unpacking. It was not too bad but I did find a few spots that were.... yucky to say the least.

After all the cleaning I began unpacking and organizing. Slowly the animals came out of hiding and sniffed around in their new place.

 Now it's finally starting to feel like home.

That's all I have for you today, but never fear! There will be more to come as I get this place together and we make this little patch of land all our own! <3
Untill then... TTFN

~~Lolianne Rivercat

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